Salesforce Spring Cleaning, Part 3: Data Cleanup

It's officially springtime here in New York… so it's time for some spring cleaning!

As the admin of your PatronManager account, you're probably pretty busy most of the time, creating reports, refining processes, answering questions for your users… there's plenty to do. Outside of those day-to-day things, though, there are lots of other tasks that don't need your constant attention but still shouldn't be forgotten about forever. In this series of three posts, we'll make some suggestions for tasks you might include in a quarterly cleanup of your Salesforce account.

Data cleanup

Time for some more decluttering! Last week we talked about how to clean up templates and reports in your account; this week we'll move on to cleaning up your data itself. Bad data is worse than no data, so you'll want to make sure you're giving these things attention as part of your quarterly checklist.

1) Deduping!

If you've got your users following best practices at least MOST of the time (searching for accounts/contacts before creating new ones, and regularly qualifying ticket orders/donations/signups if you're using PatronManager), you might have some duplicate records that snuck their way in to your account, but you probably don't have tons and tons of them.

Still, it only takes one or two encounters with duplicate data for your users to feel confused and disgruntled. You might be hearing complaints from your colleagues who are more directly involved in data entry or reporting.

A good way to start understanding the scope of your (possible) problem is by running a report -- a simple All Contacts report, grouped by Full Name or by Email and then sorted by Record Count descending will let you just spot check to get an overall sense of the quality of your data. Any grouping that has more than one record is worth investigating as a possible dupe. You might notice hundreds and hundreds of problem records right away, or you might just catch one or two.

i think we have a problem

i think we have a problem


From there, you can decide how to address the problem. Merge the one or two dupes that you found and move on, or call in the big guns and use a tool that will help you tackle a larger set. We use DemandTools when we're helping our clients; you might prefer something a little more lightweight like Cloudingo if you're doing this yourself.

2) Field audit!

Look, we're pretty sure about this one: You have fields that aren't being used enough to justify their existence. Account, Contact, and Opportunity/Donation tend to be the worst offenders. Either you created a bunch of fields a long time ago with the best of intentions but they turned out not to actually be important to your business, or you created one-time-use fields specifically to get through a particular project, but never actually nuked the field after you were done using it.

Time to clean those up!

The Field Trip app is the fastest and easiest way to identify these fields where you don't have good usable data. This tool can be used to analyze your entire database or just certain segments of it, and it will tell you what percentage of records have values in each field for that object.

field trip!

field trip!


Then call a meeting with your colleagues and get their buy-in about proceeding with the cleanup. One good way to ease people into the idea of parting with a field they might think is still important: Start by removing it from page layouts, then hide it with field-level security. Give your colleagues some time to get used to not having the field around, and if you can get through til the next quarter without ever needing the field, go ahead and get rid of it. (This is basically this "outbox" concept, just with fields instead of stuff in your home!)

We've called this series of posts "spring cleaning," but make it a habit! Each quarter, take a day or two to run through all the items in each of these three posts. (In fact, go right now and schedule this in your calendar for each quarter! You'll thank yourself later when your Salesforce account is sparklingly clean and organized.)

Salesforce Spring Cleaning, Part 2: Decluttering

It's not quite astronomical spring here in New York yet, but it is meteorological spring… so it's time for some spring cleaning!

As the admin of your PatronManager account, you're probably pretty busy most of the time, creating reports, refining processes, answering questions for your users… there's plenty to do. Outside of those day-to-day things, though, there are lots of other tasks that don't need your constant attention but still shouldn't be forgotten about forever. In this series of three posts, we'll make some suggestions for tasks you might include in a quarterly cleanup of your Salesforce account. (Here's a link to part 1.)


Once you've been using your PatronManager/Salesforce account for a while, it's likely that you'll have accumulated a bunch of clutter -- things that live on beyond their usefulness. Spending a few minutes deleting old records, files, reports, or apps can help make sure that you and your users are able to find the things that actually matter.  

alli: "i 'marie kondo'ed' my sock drawer last weekend!" (and yes, I have three pairs of cloud socks)

alli: "i 'marie kondo'ed' my sock drawer last weekend!" (and yes, I have three pairs of cloud socks)


1) Email Templates

Maybe you created some templates for a big fundraising campaign last summer, but the project is over now and you'll never need to send that exact message again. Or maybe a few colleagues were collaborating on a draft, and ended up saving multiple copies as different "versions."

You can choose to delete these old templates entirely (you'll still have all the records where the template was actually used!); or, if you think there might be some value in referring back to them later (maybe you'll want to crib some language for next year's fundraising campaign), you can "archive" them by creating a new folder called something like Archived Templates and letting them live there, separate from places that users might look for an active template in the future.

neither eric nor emily work here anymore

neither eric nor emily work here anymore

2) Reports

Did you know that you can run reports ABOUT reports? You can! And you can include columns like Folder, Report Type, Created By, and, our favorite, "Last Run [date/time]". That means it's SUPER EASY to run a quick report and see exactly which reports in your account are gathering dust.

Think about how much time you and your users will save when you can see that the report you need already exists and isn’t hidden in the clutter of your reports from 5 years ago!

Once you've run your Reports-report and confirmed the criteria for the reports you're ready to purge, go to Setup | Data Management | Mass Delete Records | Mass Delete Reports and use the criteria fields there to go ahead and clear that clutter.

"not THAT stupid, pt. 1"

"not THAT stupid, pt. 1"


3) Installed apps

Go to Setup | Installed Packages and see what's in the list there. Are you actively using everything that's listed there? That's important to know… especially if you're paying for them! Have you let free trials expire? Did someone else install apps that you don’t even know exist?

While you're at it, if you're a PatronManager client, you might take this opportunity to browse through our Recommend Apps in the PatronManager Help tab to see what's new or if you can find a better solution than you might currently be using.

there are at least 4 apps that shouldn't be here any more

there are at least 4 apps that shouldn't be here any more


PS: The list of Installed Packages is infuriatingly always a mess because you can’t sort or filter it in any way. Vote up this idea to fix that!

(On to part 3!)

Three Reasons You Need the Salesforce1 App on Your Phone

With the Salesforce1 app, you can have access to all of your Salesforce/PatronManager data no matter where you go. For a while, we sort of forgot to emphatically recommend it to our clients, because there are a few PatronManager-specific tasks that you can't really use it for right now -- we haven't yet built a way to sell tickets or process credit card donations from within that app, so we didn't really go out of our way to promote all its other amazing features. But we should! Because it's great! So here's our excited recommendation.

Here are 3 things you can do from SF1 on your phone.

1. Look up people or companies that you encounter out in the world.

Say you're at another organization's gala, and you're introduced to a few donors that are being honored that evening. You can instantly and discreetly search your own PatronManager account for those names, to see if you also have some kind of relationship with these people and know when your last interaction was. (We do a similar thing all the time at conferences, looking up potential clients and prospects that we meet casually during lunch or in a session!) It's so helpful to be able to quickly check on the context and history of your organization's relationship with someone.

of course Peggy Olson is a VIP

of course Peggy Olson is a VIP


2. Ask your colleagues for help, or delegate responsibilities.    

Say you run into a patron at a volunteer event and she asks for your help -- she has tickets to Thursday night's show and she can't make it and would like to switch to next Friday's. You're going to accommodate her request and waive the exchange fee. You COULD log in to PatronManager/Salesforce in your phone's browser and zoom in to painstakingly process the exchange yourself -- OR, you can simply navigate to the Ticket Order record within SF1 and Chatter at your colleague, the box office rep who's working today, and ask her to process the exchange right away instead. (Or in a similar vein, say you're expecting a package to be picked up from the office, but you're not going to be in that day! When you receive a notification of the scheduled pickup time, just Chatter at your colleagues to let them know to expect the visitor.)

teamwork, dream work, etc.

teamwork, dream work, etc.


3. Get notifications about important business goals.

Say you're the development director and you're running a big annual fund campaign over the summer, with a bunch of benchmark goals through the campaign. Create a report that shows cumulative giving so far, and then "subscribe" to the report and have it send you notifications as you meet each goal. (Or if you're a sales manager with reps working toward a quarterly quota, subscribe to a report of the whole team's Closed Won opportunities so you can properly celebrate when the goal is met.)

this is some pretty powerful stuff!

this is some pretty powerful stuff!


We all wish that we didn’t have to constantly be “at work” when we’re on the go, but let’s face it -- we all are. The Salesforce1 app lets you be more productive and produce a much higher quality of patron interaction than you would otherwise be able to do. Here's a post from PatronTech CEO Gene Carr about working on the go.

And now that you're convinced, here's a post from our friend Christian Carter with some more specifics about how to get started (and a video of him talking about this at #DF15!).

Recommended App: AAKonsult Campaign Status

Arguably the best thing about working on the Salesforce platform is that it is in fact a platform and that we are part of an international community of users, administrators, developers and innovators.

Sometimes the best solution to a problem requires getting some help from that community.

We’ll feature some apps from the Salesforce AppExchange (and beyond) that we love, on a regular basis.

AAkonsult Campaign Status

The Campaign object in Salesforce is a flexible and vital tool for tracking marketing and fundraising efforts for non-profits. It’s been around since the early days of Salesforce, and as such, there are some quirky things about the metadata behind the object.

One of the most perplexing things about using Campaigns is figuring out how to customize the Campaign Member Status field on the Campaign’s partner object, the Campaign Member -- the field that lets you track if/how people have responded to your campaign.

By default, the Status field ships with a few generic values -- Sent, and Responded. It’s expected that you probably have more or different values that you want to track, so like all fields in Salesforce, you can customize the picklist values. But unlike all other fields in Salesforce, if you go to add them by going to Setup | Customize | Campaign Members | Fields, you will find no “New” button.

The only way to add custom values to the Status field is to go to a specific campaign and click “Advanced Setup.”

Should be called "Not So Advanced Setup"

That's where you can add new custom member statuses, but weirdly, you can’t apply those values to all future Campaigns. They have to be added individually each time. It’s really odd!

A little too custom

Enter AAkonsult's  Campaign Status app. This free app (which takes just a few minutes to install and configure) lets you create customized default statuses for your organization and lets you apply those defaults to all future campaigns. Or, if you have different types of campaigns that are suited to their own set of defaults, this app lets you have a different set of defaults for each Campaign Type.

Telemarketing specific defaults -- that's more like it!

I’m so happy this app exists because it makes it easier for organizations to adopt Campaigns in Salesforce, and makes it more likely that their Campaign Member Status values are relevant and accurate.